Telangana Rashtra Samithi president K Chandrasekhar Rao on Thursday said that Telanganaites would not be satisfied with anything other than a separate Telangana state with Hyderabad as its capital. In his first public reaction to the Justice BN Srikrishna Report which was disclosed to the public, KCR said that the people of the region would not accept anything else except the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh, with Hyderabad as the Capital.
Reaction to the sixth option which recommended the constitution of a Regional Authority so that the development of Telangana can go ahead, KCR said that this was indicative that the Panel agrees that the United Andhra Pradesh has failed to provide justice to all parts of the state. KCR also appealed to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to expedite the process of formation of the state by fulfilling the promise made by the Centre on December 9, 2009 which said that the process of formation of a separate Telangana had begun.
Addressing a massive gathering of Maha Dharna organised under the aegis of Telangana Joint Action Committee at Indira Park, the TRS leader demanded that all Telangana leaders resign from their elected posts if the government fails to introduce the Telangana Bill in Parliament. The TRS chief said the Commission rightly pointed out to the situation in 1956 before the integration of state and said the Telangana leaders will not agree to the recommendation of Commission that a Regional Authority to be formed for the development of Telangana. "It says reverting back to 1956 -- prior to the formation of Andhra Pradesh. That is what we are asking for," he said. KCR also emphatically said that the Telangana leaders would not agreed to making Hyderabad a union territory by merging some districts.
“We want Telangana and nothing else. We will not agree to any other proposals,” he said. The TRS chief appealed to students not to resort suicides for the cause of Telangana and appealed to elected representatives to ready to submit their resignation to their posts.
KCR asked the Telangana leaders to intensify their agitation in a non-violent and non-cooperative manner till the formation of the state takes place. Stating the police forces cannot crush the Telangana agitation by bullets, he called upon political forces of Telangana region to act in a cohesive manner till they achieve separate state.
KCR said the Telangana Joint Action Committee will spearhead the future agitation and all Telangana protagonists should follow its directions. The Telangana Joint Action Committee will meet this evening and decide its future course of action, he added said.