With 2.02 crore women voters in Andhra Pradesh, both the YSR Congress Party (YSRCP) and the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) are actively vying for their support, each offering enticing poll promises. However, many women seem inclined towards the ruling YSRCP due to its ongoing welfare schemes.
YSRCP pledges include committees with 50% reservation for women in new districts, representation for marginalized groups, and financial assistance up to ₹1 lakh for women from SC, ST, BC, and minority communities aged 45 and above. Their flagship Amma Vodi scheme, providing ₹15,000 to mothers with school-going children, is also being highlighted. Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy promises to continue the YSR Cheyutha scheme, which has already provided ₹75,000 over four years to women aged 45-60.
The TDP, leading the NDA alliance, proposes a monthly "Adabidda Nidhi" allowance of ₹1,500 for women aged 18-59, and a "Thalliki Vandanam" scheme offering ₹15,000 per child annually. Additional promises include free bus travel for women, three gas cylinders, water for every household, and legislation protecting women from backward classes. However, the replication of some YSRCP and Congress schemes might be a drawback for the TDP.
While women acknowledge the benefits of welfare schemes, concerns like inflation and individual needs also influence their choices. Deccan Chronicle spoke to various women voters: Jeevana, a first-time voter prioritizing fee reimbursement, a construction worker welcoming welfare but seeking inflation control, Sirisha, a software engineer appreciating the increase in women candidates by YSRCP, Parvati, a domestic worker determined to vote independently, and Ammoji, a pensioner prioritizing doorstep pension delivery.
The diverse perspectives reveal that while parties actively court women voters with promises, individual needs and critical issues like inflation remain paramount. The ultimate choice, as many women emphasize, rests with them, making the fight for their vote a complex and intriguing aspect of the Andhra Pradesh elections.