Thousands of women took to the streets across Andhra Pradesh , protesting against Telugu Desam Party (TDP) chief Chandrababu Naidu. They allege Naidu's complaint to the Election Commission (ECI) halted the disbursement of ₹14,000 crores for six crucial welfare schemes, including YSR Cheyutha, Aasra, and Kalyanamasthu/Shadi Tohfa. This sudden stop, they claim, has caused significant hardship to lakhs of beneficiaries.
The demonstrations, fueled by allegations of escalating attacks and harassment against YSR Congress Party (YSRCP) women leaders, saw women burning Naidu's effigies, holding placards, and chanting slogans. They labelled the TDP chief as "anti-poor" and "anti-women."
In a powerful display of solidarity, women tied rakhis to cutouts of Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy and performed pal-abhishekam (anointing with milk) as a gesture of gratitude. They vowed to re-elect him, stating: "We stand united in support of CM Jagan. On May 13th, we will press the fan button (YSRCP's symbol) to deliver a resounding message to Chandrababu and ensure the victory of our beloved CM Jagan once again."
Highlighting their commitment to Reddy, they emphasized: "Despite the court ordering the government to release the funds, Chandrababu conspired to block our access by complaining to the ECI. We must reject this troublesome alliance and pledge our votes to CM Jagan, who will ensure a dignified life for us in the next five years."
These protests underscore the crucial role welfare schemes play in the lives of many women in Andhra Pradesh and their strong belief in Jagan Mohan Reddy's commitment to their well-being.