Case filed against Pawan Kalyan. With the Andhra Pradesh elections merely a month away, the public's attention is keenly fixed on every political maneuver made by the leading parties. In a recent pre-election development, a new tactic seems to have emerged aimed at troubling Janasena head, Pawan Kalyan.
Previously, the Andhra Pradesh government initiated a defamation case against Pawan Kalyan, citing his remarks on the volunteer system as grounds for alleged defamation against the hardworking volunteers and the state government itself. Charges under Criminal IPC sections 499 and 500 were levied against him.
Adding to the legal woes, today saw the initiation of yet another non-bailable case against Pawan Kalyan, following an order from the National SC Commission. This action stems from Pawan's previous statement last year, wherein he implicated volunteers in human trafficking and the disappearance of 29,000 women in Andhra Pradesh. A complaint filed by a volunteer from the Madiga community prompted the SC Commission to direct the Eluru police to register a non-bailable case against Pawan.
Since Pawan's controversial remarks last year, he has found himself embroiled in a series of legal battles, prompting suspicions from Janasena leaders regarding the motives behind these relentless legal actions. There's growing speculation among Janasena Party members that the Andhra Pradesh government may be orchestrating these legal maneuvers in a bid to undermine Pawan Kalyan and his party.