Natasimha Balakrishna, a popular actor and politician, during his election campaign in Andhra Pradesh. He is back to the slapping business once again. It is known that Balakrishna always hogs the limelight for wrong reasons of attacking and assaulting fans and once again the same thing happened in this campaigning for the upcoming 2024 elections.
Election Season and Campaigning: With elections approaching in Andhra Pradesh, political parties and candidates are actively campaigning across the state.
Balakrishna's Participation: As the MLA of Hindupuram, Balakrishna has also commenced his campaign, starting with Kadiri in the Anantapur district.
Fan's Selfie Attempt: Upon Balakrishna's arrival by helicopter, a fan attempted to take a selfie with him amidst the cheering crowd.
Balakrishna's Reaction: Balakrishna reacted with anger, grabbing the fan's hand and pushing him away.
Viral Video and Debate: The video of the incident has gone viral, sparking debate about Balakrishna's behavior towards his fans.
"Dibidi" Remark Recall: This incident has brought back discussions about Balakrishna's past use of the term "Dibidi," which is considered derogatory, towards individuals during his campaigns.
"Swarnandhra Sakara Yatra": Balakrishna will be conducting a two-day bus tour named "Swarnandhra Sakara Yatra" in the Anantapur district as part of his campaign efforts.
Overall, the article highlights an incident that raises questions about Balakrishna's conduct towards his fans and brings to light previous instances of similar behavior. While campaigning, such actions can impact public perception and potentially influence voters' opinions.