EC shocks Pawan JanaSena. With the general elections on the horizon, Power Star Pawan Kalyan's Janasena party in Andhra Pradesh faces a new challenge. Initially, Janasena had chosen the glass as its party symbol and campaigned on that platform.
However, the Election Commission (EC) has now added the glass symbol to the list of free symbols. This means that any candidate can contest using the glass symbol from any of the 175 Assembly and 25 Parliament seats in the state. This unexpected development has caused concern within the Janasena party.
The EC recently announced the details of recognized parties in 26 states across the country in preparation for the upcoming general elections. The Telugu Desam Party (TDP) and Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party (YSRCP) from Andhra Pradesh were included in the list of recognized parties. However, the EC only listed Janasena as a registered party, removing the exclusive use of the glass symbol previously allocated to Janasena.
This decision has put Janasena chief Pawan Kalyan in a difficult position. The party is considering discussing the matter with legal experts to determine the best course of action.