ASVINS trailer released. Kollywood star Vasanth Ravi is starring in the project under the direction of newcomer Tarun Teja. The film titled ASVINS generated interest and the first look created fear. The makers today released the trailer of the film. The film also stars Vimala Raman, Muralidaran, Sara Menon, UdhayaDeep, and Simran Pareek in important roles.
Tarun Teja is an indie filmmaker based in Germany. The film is a psychological thriller and the story unfolds with a series of thrilling and chilling encounters. Vasanth revealed that the film revolves around a group of YouTubers who fall victim to a 1500-year-old curse that unleashes evil into the world.
Vasanth speaking about the film said "ASVINS is out an out psychological horror film, true to its genre. The film does not have any romance or drama. I am sure it will scare the hell out of us."
Vijay Siddharth, Edwin Sakay, and Venkat Raajen are handling the music, cinematography, and editing of the project produced by BVSN.Prasad on Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra.