NTR B-Day photos go viral with the fans. NTR celebrated his birthday yesterday on 20 May and fans had a feast in the form of various events. Not only fans organized various events celebrating the day like a festival but the makers of his upcoming films came up with crazy updates.
Apart from it, the re-release of NTR's blockbuster film Simhadri made the day into a special one. Fans thronged the theatres and enjoyed NTR's powerful action on the big screen;.
In the meantime, it is coming out that NTR celebrated his birthday with his family and friends. The snaps of NTR along with his wife Lakshmi Pranathi and friends are going viral on social media. Fans are super thrilled and excited to see NTR looking dapper and dashing in the white T-Shirt and black jeans. His wife Lakshmi Pranathi also is seen as lovely and beautiful and a colorful frock.
NTR on the professional front will be seen in Devara under the direction of Koratala Shiva. Apart from it, he is starring in the direction of Prashant Neel for his next.