Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma is celebrating her birthday today and she is getting flooded with wishes from all quarters. Anushka's husband, team India cricketer Virat Kohli, showered love on his wife's birthday. It is known that Virat Kohli is expressive while showing his emotions and he wished Anushka in the following way.
He shared many snaps of Anushka along with him and captioned "Love you through thick, thin and all your cute madness. Happy birthday my everything @anushkasharma (sic)"
It is known that Kohli is busy playing IPL matches and during his on-field exploits he is not leaving a single opportunity to showcase his love for his wife Anushka,by blowing kisses to her. Recently Anushka shared a video in which she was dancing with Virat Kohli and posted “Dance pe chance (sic).”
Anushka Sharma on the professional front is busy with Chakda Xpress a biopic based on Indian female fast-bowler Jhulan Goswami.