Kollywood Popular Producer SS Chakravarthy has breathed his last on Saturday due to prolonged illness at Chennai. He breathed his last while undergoing treatment at a private hospital in Chennai. The last rites of the producer are scheduled to take place in Chennai. He is known for bankrolling Ajith Kumar's films in Kollywood.
SS Chakravarthy bankrolled films under his production house NIC Arts and produced almost twenty films with superstars like Ajith Kumar, Vikram, and Simbu among others. He reportedly produced eight to nine films including Vaali, Mugavaree, Citizen, Red, Villain, Anjaneya, Ji, and Varalaru, which became blockbuster hits. He also made films Kadhal Sadugudu with Vikram, Kaalai, and Vaalu with Silambarasan TR.
He also launched his son in the film industry under his production banner. The producer’s son, Johnny also known as Imran Chakravarthy, made his acting debut in Renigunta, which he produced. He also produced his son's next film, 18 Vayasu. The film also featured his daughter Shakeel Nila Chakravarthy.
Chakravarthy also acted in the recently released web series Vilangu starring Vemal and Ineya. He played a police officer in the web series. He produced nine films with Ajith out of his 25 films in his career.