'Guardians of the Galaxy Director James Gunn showered praises on Young Tiger NTR and expressed his desire to work with him. It is known that Young Tiger NTR's impactful and emotional performance in Rajamouli's magnum opus RRR stole the hearts of all across the world. Many Hollywood celebrities heaped praises on NTR and some even went on to predict the Oscar award for his performance.
In the meantime, James Gunn, 'Guardians of the Galaxy Director replying to the question as to which Indian actor he would like to introduce in Hollywood, said he would like to introduce the guy who with the guy from RRR ‘with All the Tigers coming out of the cage and everything’. Gunn also added that Jr NTR was ‘amazing’ and ‘cool’ in the film.
On which role he would cast NTR, James Gunn said he will think about it in the coming days. The fans of NTR are super thrilled about the praises James Gunn heaped on their hero.
In the meantime, NTR is currently busy with his project with Koratala Shiva and has his next with Prashant Neel.