Natural Star Nani’s rugged and mass action film Dasara is registering good numbers at the boxoffice. The film is registering highest numbers in some areas for Nani. The movie directed by Srikanth Odela grossed Rs 16 Crores on Sunday. Overall, Dasara collected a gross of Rs 87 Crores in its first-weekend run and is racing towards 100 Cr mark.
Dasara is being praised by celebrities and audiences alike. Several industry people are raving about Dasara and it's making. Latest entrant in Dasara fan clus is India's Top Director SS Rajamouli. SSR who is known for appreciation tweets about the movies he watched and loved. After a while Rakamouli has watched and posted about Dasara in his Twitter account.
Rajamouli write, " Amidst the rugged landscape and raw characters, Srikanth Odela manages a tender heart touching lovestory. Career best performance by Nani. Keerthy cake walks through her role.
Every actor's performance was note worthy. Cinematography is first class. Special mention to the background score. Hearty Congratulations to the #Dasara team on the wonderful success…"
Dasara is inching towards $2 Million. The movie collected $1.6 Million thus far. Produced by Sudhakar Cherukuri under SLV Cinemas banner, Dasara has Keerthy Suresh playing the female lead. Shine Tom Chacko, Samuthirakani, Sai Kumar and Poorna are the other prominent cast. The film is set in the backdrop of coal mines in a fictional village called Veerapally in Telangana.