Sai Dharam Tej's Virupaksha directed by Karthik Dandu is generating immense interest among movie lovers. The film's teaser got tremendous response and Sai Dharam Tej's look became the talking point. Today the makers took viewers into the world of Modhamamba Temple.
Sharing the video clip, the makers posted "Here's "Modhamamba Temple" - The 1st Volume from the Intriguing Short Series #IntoTheWorldOfVirupaksha" The makers revealed that Virupaksha film has a character in Rudravaram village. The video showed how the makers and the crew, art director worked hard to erect the grand temple of Modhamamba.
Samyuktha Menon is the female lead while Sunil, Ajay, Brahmaji are playing important roles. The music for the film is tuned by Ajaneesh Lokanath. BVSN Prasad is producing the film on SVCC and Sukumar writings banner. Sukumar penned the screen play.
Sai Dharam Tej enacted high octane breathtaking stunts on bike and this left all shellshocked as this happened to be his first film after the bike accident he met last year.