Young Tiger NTR was the chief guest in Amigos pre release event held on Sunday. As usual he made his fans buoyant with an enthralling speech. Strikingly, he gave a strict advice to his fans which further implies to fans of all heroes.
In his speech, NTR said, "I can understand the zeal of the fans for every update of the film and they demand minute to minute updates which can't be possible. When there's an update, we inform you (fans) first even before the same is informed to our better halves."
Obviously, NTR's advice implies for all heroes' fans as fans of every hero are troubling the production team, cast and crew of their favourite heroes' ongoing films. Sometimes, they tender advice while some more times they request the films' teams with strange appeals. They even don't hesitate to threaten the film team and if anything goes wrong in their perspective, they trend the hate filled hashtags.
That's why, NTR appeared to have spoken on behalf of all heroes and production team in delivering his invaluable piece of advice to all heroes' fans.