Anil Kapoor is bowled by his Night Manager and he heaped praises on Tollywood actress Sobhita Dhulipala. Anil Kapoor is starring in the webseries titled The Night Manager and the film stars hot and sensuous sizzler Sobhita Dhulipala. At the trailer launch of the webseries, Anil Kapoor showered praises on Sobhita Dhulipala.
He said 'When you talk about Sobhita you talk about glamour, you talk about what a great body she has, that’s the first impression you get because she is so pretty. What eyes, what cinematic features she has. But to get someone who is a thinking actress also where she’s taken something God given, you get it from your parents but you don't take it for granted. She still wants to do and give her best, is a wonderful quality about her. She is terrific'.
Sobhita turned sensuous in the trailer and even Aditya Roy Kapur showered praises on her. She is playing the role of a femme fatale in the show. The webseries is the Indian adaptation of British series, John Le Carre's spy thriller.