Rashmika Mandanna is hogging the media limelight ever since the sensation Allu Arjun's Pushpa The Rise created at the box office. Rashmika Mandanna is making her presence felt in Bollywood and is now starring in Ranbir Kapoor's Animal directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga. Of late Rashmika is at the receiving end for her comments which resulted in huge controversies.
Speaking about criticism and hate-mongering, Rashmika said " As actors, one cannot expect people to only like us. You are not going to be everyone’s cup of tea so there is going to be a lot of love and hate. As actors we are going out, interacting with the public, and giving interviews."
Rashmika added " people dislike me maybe because of the way I talk or the hand gestures I make. Some people might also not like that I am very expressive through my expressions. However, there is so much love that I have from people and I am truly grateful for it."