Liger starring Vijay Deverakonda in Puri Jagannadh's direction is released Pan India wide and huge buzz was riding in that film befor it's release. The film bombed so badly shattering Vijay's Bollywood dreams and landed in a dispute with buyers demanding a refund from producers Puri and Charmme. Adding more salt on wounds, Enforcement Directorate has started questioning people involved with Liger finances as they received complaint about black money involved in the making of the film.
Already ED enquired Puri Jagannadh, Charmme along with its Hero Vijay Deverakonda. Latest is known film financier Sobhan has been questioned regarding investments in Liger. They asked questions about how did he invested money in Liger whether it is an investment or finance. ED is also digging deeper asking him more about how the transactions were made and to whom he gave the amount. More people will be questioned about this issue in coming days.
While Puri and Charmme didn't make any official statements, Vijay Deverakonda said that he has been called to confirm some issues and he gave them clarity. He also added that he will co-operate with ED completely.