All eyes are on Supreme Hero Sai DharamTej's upcoming film title glimpse. The project referred to as SDT15 is in full swing under the direction of Karthik Dandu. Excitement is increasing as NTR is giving voice over and speculation is that the film would be titled Virupaksha. The title was earlier rumored to be considered for Sai Dharam Tej's uncle Pawan Kalyan's project with Krish.
Now time is locked for the film's title glimpse. The title glimpse will be released at 11 AM tomorrow. The makers increased their curiosity with Sai Dharam Tej seen holding the paper having the SDT15 logo. Samyuktha Menon is the female lead in the film which stars Brahmaji, Ajay, and Sunil in important roles.
Ajaneesh Lokanath is the music director for the film which is produced on Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra and Sukumar Writings. Apart from this project, Sai Dharam Tej is starring in the direction of Jayanth.