On November 25, Tollywood movie lovers will be treated with different genre entertainers. Allari Naresh's Itlu Maredumilli Prajaneekam is the prominent film releasing while super hit Tamil film Love Today is getting dubbed and releasing in Telugu. Apart from it, Varun Dhawan, Kriti Sanaon's Hindi film Bhediya is releasing in Telugu as Thodelu.
Parasuram Srinivas, who worked as a writer for Naga Shourya's Aswathama is making his debut as director Ranasthali starring Dharma and Chandini Rao. The film is releasing today. Apart from it, films like Vala and Manninchava are releasing in the theatres.
Among these movies, Allari Naresh's Itlu Maredumilli Prajaneekam, Tamil dubbed Love Today and Bollywood dubbed Thodelu is generating immense hype among movie lovers. Stay tuned for the reviews of Itlu Maredumilli Prajaneekam, Love Today and Thodelu from Cinejosh team from couple of hours from now.