Megastar Chiranjeevi is honoured with Indian Film Personality Of The Year 2022 at 53rd International Film Festival Of India happening at Goa. Fans and celebrities are elated for conferring Chiranjeevi with this award and has been pouring congratulatory wishes to him on social media. While many are sending out their wishes via social media and other means. Mega Menallullu Sai Dharam Tej and his brother Vaisshnav Tej personally met and extended their congratulations to their Mega Mama.
Sai Dharam Tej taking his Twitter account shared the pics with a message, " Congratulations peddha mama for winning the award…we are very grateful for your presence in this industry and for being the inspiration that you always have been for us 🤗❤️…Thank you for paving a way for us younger generation"
Congratulations peddha mama for winning the award…we are very grateful for your presence in this industry and for being the inspiration that you always have been for us 🤗❤️…Thank you for paving a way for us younger generation
CJ Advs — Sai Dharam Tej (@IamSaiDharamTej) November 22, 2022Sai Dharam Tej often show his love towards Megastar Chiranjeevi whenever the occasion arises. On the workfront Sai Dharam Tej is currently doing a film #SDT15 in Karthik Dandu Direction jointly produced by BVSN Prasad and Sukumar. While Panja Vaisshnav Tej is doing a film in Srikanth Reddy's Direction.
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