Megastar Chiranjeevi's political action thriller Godfather started streaming on Netflix from November 19. The film had a decent run at the theatres is gaining very good response in OTT. Those who watched in theatres and those who didn't are watching Godfather and it has been the top priority film this weekend. Chiranjeevi's stylish act complimented by Nayanthara's graceful presence, Satyadev's impressive performance and Salman Khan's special role attracted the audience.
Godfather is trending at Top 1 place in Netflix India while it is trending in Top 10 in 14 other countries in Netflix. This is a great feat considering Godfather is a remake of popular Malayalam film Lucifer starring Mohanlal and it is also available in Prime. Many are giving too good reviews after watching Godfather in the OTT and it seems to continue to rule the trending charts in coming weeks. Godfather is directed by Mohan Raja while Thaman composed the music.