Police force always attracts attention and curiosity among people. Tollywood stars and makers are no exception and they are now getting ready to show the police power on the screen. Raviteja donned police colors many times in films like Vikramarkudu, Khatarnak, Mirapakay, Power, Touch Chesi Choodu, and Krack. He is wearing a khaki uniform once again in Chiranjeevi's 154 under the direction of Bobby. The film is expected to be titled Waltair Veeraiah.
Prabhas has many pan India projects and one of them is Spirit under the direction of Sandeep Reddy Vanga. Producer Bhushan Kumar longtime back revealed that Prabhas will be seen as a police officer. The film will be going to sets next year. Naga Chaitanya is starring in the direction of Venkat Prabhu. Buzz is Naga Chaitanya will be seen as a police officer. But he will be seen as a cop for only a few minutes. The film is touted to be titled 302.
Karthi is starring in Sardar and he is playing the role of an undercover officer in this spy thriller. Adivi Sesh is donning police colors and will be seen as officer Krishna Dev in HIT 2, the sequel to HIT. Adivi Sesh attracted with his last film Major. Sudheer Babu is set to play the role of a police officer in HUNT. Sudheer Babu played the role of a cop in V and Veera Bhoga Vasantha Rayalu.