Mega Star Chiranjeevi will be celebrating his birthday on August 22, tomorrow and already his fans are making preparations to celebrate it in an extraordinary manner. Already mega brother Naga Babu announced that a mega carnival will be organized on August 21 from 2 PM onwards at Hitex, Hall 2, Hyderabad. Fans will be getting delight as Chiranjeevi's yesteryear blockbuster Gharana Mogudu will be screened in the theatres.
Apart from it, the makers of his upcoming entertainers Godfather, Bhola Shankar, and his next with Bobby will be coming with thrilling updates. Godfather teaser will be released on August 21 at 6.30 PM. In the meantime, reports have it, that Chiranjeevi will be celebrating his birthday in a calm, peaceful, and serene manner in the exotic locations of Goa.
Fans are waiting with bated breath to enjoy the updates and experience the thrill while celebrating Mega Star's birthday.