Balakrishna has been busy shooting for his upcoming project NBK107 which is progressing at a brisk pace under the direction of Gopichand Malineni. However the shoot was halted due to the producers guild's call for an indefinite strike. Balakrishna who remained silent for sometime, now lost his cool and gave diktat to his producers. He directed them to kickstart the film's next shoot as soon as possible.
According to the latest, it is coming out that the makers will be kickstarting the film's schedule in Turkey. The film's Turkey schedule will be starting from August 25 and Balakrishna will be flying to Turkey soon. The film features Balakrishna romancing Shruti Haasan as the female lead. Duniya Vijay is playing a powerful negative role while Varalakshmi Sarathkumar is playing a key role.
Thaman is scoring music director for the film which is bankrolled in a lavish manner by Mythri Movie Makers.