Sudheer Babu is known for his different genre entertainers. His upcoming film Ammayi Gurinchi Meeku Cheppali is capturing the imagination of all. The film stars Kriti Shetty and is directed by Indraganti Mohana Krishna. The film is racing for a spectacular release on September 16. In the midst of all this, rumours are spreading thick and fast that the film is a freemake of Hollywood hit.
Netizens after watching the latest poster from the film are of the opinion that Indraganti Mohana Krishna is free making another Hollywood film “Mulholland Drive”. This is not for the first time, Indraganti Mohana Krishna is facing such allegations.
Movie lovers point out that all his films are inspired by Hollywood films and they are the freemakes. They point out that his last film Sammohanam which endaered to all is the freemake of Julia Roberts film “Notting Hill”. It has to be seen how Indraganti Mohana Krishna and the makers react to these allegations.
👉 Aa Ammayi Gurinchi Meeku Cheppali release date out