Star producers got a huge shock when the Income Tax department conducted raids in Chennai simultaneously across various locations. IT officials raided the offices and residences of star Tamil producers at 40 places in Chennai. The raids started on the early morning at 5AM on August 2nd and continued till evening 4 PM.
IT officials raided producers Anbuchezhian, SR Prabhu, Thiagarajan, and Kalipulli S Thanu's houses and inside talk is they have found cash worth Rs 200crs which was unaccounted for and black money. It is coming out that Anbuchezhian is accused as a loan shark and was claimed to be the main suspect of abetting the suicide of producer Ashok Kumar.
It officials raided Anbuchezhian for the third time. Reportedly, nearly 77 crores worth of income was found with Anbuchezhian’s assets. IT officials conducted raids for three days starting from August 2nd not only in Chennai but also in Madurai and Coimbatore.