Young Tiger NTR has an immense craze among movie lovers across the country. His fan following increased tremendously following the sensation he created with his performance in the role of freedom fighter Komaram Bheem in Rajamouli's magnum opus RRR. It is known that NTR though active on social media, he refrains from sharing his personal activities. Even his wife Lakshmi Pranathi maintains secrecy about NTR and children Abhay and Bhargav.
In the midst of all this, a romantic snap of NTR and Lakshmi Pranathi is going viral on social media thrilling all the fans. It is known that NTR along with his family went on a vacation and this snap was shot there. NTR for the first time shared his snap along with his wife on his Instagram and it is going viral on social media. NTR and Lakshmi Pranathi are seen savoring sweet moments savoring a cup of coffee.
NTR will soon concentrate on his upcoming projects with Koratala Shiva and Prashant Neel.