Bellamkonda Ganesh is getting ready to entertain movie lovers and test his luck with Swathimuthyam. The film directed by newcomer Lakshman is in full swing. According to the latest, the makers released the song Nee Chaaredu Kalle. Sharing the song, the makers posted 'The breezy melody #NeeChaareduKalle from #Swathimuthyam is out now".
Krishna Kanth penned beautiful lyrics for the song for which Mahati Swar Sagar provided a melodious tune. The song is sung in a beautiful manner by Arman Malik ,Sanjana Kalmanje. The song is choreographed by Eshwar Penti. The song spread romance with Bellamkonda Ganesh and Varsha Bollamma's chemistry becoming the talking point.
The film is bankrolled in a prestigious manner by Soorya Devara Naga Vamsi. The film's promotions till now generated immense interest among movie lovers. The makers revealed that the film will be releasing on 13 August,2022.