Ranbir Kapoor's Shamshera directed by Karan Malhotra is generating immense interest among movie lovers. The makers are promoting the film across the country and it is releasing in Hindi, Tamil & Telugu languages on July 22,2022. The film stars Vani Kapoor as the female lead while Sanjay Dutt is playing an important role. The makers today released the film's trailer.
Ranbir Kapoor is seen as Shamshera who fights for the freedom of his tribals continuously oppressed by the ruthless britishers in the year 1871. Sanjay Dutt is seen in the role of a ruthless and wicked police officer Shudh Singh on the British side. The trailer is loaded with excellent visuals and background music. Ranbir Kapoor is shown playing dual roles and Vani Kapoor sizzled in a song shot underwater.
Ashutosh Rana, Tridha Chowdhary,Ronit Roy,Saurabh Shukla played important roles in the film for which Mithoon scored the BGM while Anay Goswamy cranked the camera. The film is bankroled in a lavish manner by YRF productions.