Mass Raja Rativeteja's Ramarao On Duty is progressing at a brisk pace under the direction of Sharat Mandava. The film's promotions generataned immense interest among movie lovers. Raviteja is roamncing Divyansha Kaushik and Rajisha Vijayan as the female leads. During the latest few ,days rumours spread that Raviteja is unhappy with the output and he asked for changes of many scenes and the reshoot of the same is underway much to the dismay of the producer.
In the midst of all this, the makers cameup with an interesting update. They revealed that there will be an interesting update tomorrow. Sharing the details, the makers posted "It's time for Mass Maharaja @RaviTeja_offl to take charge #RamaRaoOnDuty update tomorrow at 4.05 PM"
Thottempudi Venu is making a comeback with an important role. Nasser, Sr Naresh, Pavitra Lokesh, ‘Sarpatta’ John Vijay, Chaitanya Krishna, Tanikella Bharani, Rahul Rama Krishna, Eerojullo Sree, Madhu Sudan Rao, Surekha Vani are playing important roles while Anveshi Jain is sizzling in a special song. The music is scored by Sam CS.