Aadi Sai Kumar's Tees Maar Khan is generating immense interest among movie lovers. The makers today came up with the teaser promo couple of minutes back. They shared the teaser promo video and revealed that the teaser will be released tomorrow at 11.43 AM. The video showed Aadi Sai Kumar as a cop and his style and swag thrilled movie lovers and the masses in particular.
The film is directed by Kalyanji Gogana of Natakam fame and Aadi is romancing RX100 hot beauty Payal Rajput. Sunil, Purnaa, Kabir Singh, Anoop Singh Thakur are playing important roles in the film while Sai Karthik is the music director. Nagam Tirupathi Reddy is producing the film on Vision Cinemas banner.
Aadi is leaving no stone unturned to reach the next level of stardom and he has many interesting and exciting projects like CSI Sanathan, Kirathaka, Amaran In The City-Part 1 etc.
Here is the teaser promo