Young Tiger NTR is celebrating his birthday today and fans are getting delightful and exciting updates. Already the makers of NTR 30 directed by Koratala Shiva came with a ferocious first glimpse yesterday. Now the makers of NTR 31 directed by Prashant Neel left all stunned.
They released a powerful poster showing NTR in the most ferocious manner. NTR's eye is shown in the most electrifying manner and it created a stunning explosion making all the fans celebrate in style. Expectations are high on the project as Prashant Neel created a sensation with KGF while NTR showed his power with his performance in RRR.
The way Prashant Neel elevated Yash's heroism on screen expectations are soaring on NTR and Prashant Neel's project. The project will go to sets once Prashant Neel completes Salaar with Prabhas and NTR completes his film with Koratala Shiva.