Rajasekhar is gearing up to show his power at the box office with his upcoming entertainer Shekar. The film is racing for a grand release on May 20, 2022. According to the latest, the film completed its censor formalities. Members of the Censor Board watched the film and cleared decks for the release awarding the U/A certificate. The film is directed by Jeevitha Rajasekhar and is a thrilling and different genre entertainer.
Rajasekhar is sharing screen presence with his daughter Shivani for the first time in his career. The film features Aathmeeya Rajan, Muskaan Kubchandhani as the heroines and Prakash Raj, Abhinav Gowtham, Kannada Kishore, Sameer, Tanikella Bharani, Ravi Varma, and Shravan Raghavendra in key roles.
Music for the film is scored by Anup Rubens while cinematography is handled by Mallikarjun Naragani.Rajashekar’s daughters Shivani and Shivathmika are producing the film along with MLV Satyanarayana on Pegasus Cinecorp, Taurus Cinecorp, Sudhakar Impex IPL, Tripura Creations. The film is a remake of Malayalam hit Joseph.