Rajasekhar is getting ready to thrill movie lovers with his upcoming flick Shekar. The film is racing for a grand release across the world on May 20,2022. In the meantime, it is coming out that the film's US premiers are planned in a stylish manner. Nirvana Cinemas which acquired the film's theatrical rights in US arranged for the Shekar's stylish premiers in record number of screens.
The makers shared 'Here's the US theatre list of #Shekar All set for the grand premieres on MAY 19 by @NirvanaCinemas" The film stars Shivani and she is sharing screen presence with her dad Rajasekhar for the first time in her career. Aathmeeya Rajan and Muskaan Kubchandhani are the heroines in the film directed by Jeevitha Rajasekhar.
Prakash Raj, Abhinav Gowtham, Kannada Kishore, Sameer, Tanikella Bharani, Ravi Varma, Shravan Raghavendra are playing crucial roles while music is scored by Anup Rubens. The film is a remake of Malayalam hit Joseph. Rajashekar’s daughters Shivani and Shivathmika are producing the film along with MLV Satyanarayana.