All the artists of Tollywood from Seniors to Juniors and from Old generation to Young generation have reached the stadium. As the program has been officially declared started by Nara Chandrababu Naidu, four team captains Chiru, Balayya, Nag and Venky started to spill the humor with their stage fight.
If Chiru declared that this is going to be his team's hat trick, Nag pulled the mike from Chiru to declare that T20 Trophy is for their team, Balayya doesn’t want to stay back and roared that as Lion is the most powerful in jungle, it is Balayya Lions the most powerful in tournament. Venky watching them cool challenging each other said, ‘No sounds on stage, come on to the ground. We will show all other teams what we are.’
Opening began with a bang and the MAA STARS magazine was launched by four team captains along with Naidu, ANR and City Mayor Banda karthika Reddy.
Sit, relax and enjoy the continuous coverage of matches from Cinejosh along with first updates of galleries.