Bollywood veteran actor and filmmaker Mahesh Manjrekar’s daughter Saiee Manjrekar who made her debut with Salman Khan’s Dabangg 3 is debuting in Tollywood with Adivi Sesh’s Major which is based on the life of 26/11 hero Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan. First look poster of Saiee Manjrekar in Major is unleashed today by makers of the film.
The poster featuring Saiee Manjrekar and Adivi Sesh in their school uniforms discloses Major’s cute love story in school. Sesh reads the letter penned by his girlfriend, while Saiee is seen gazing at him with affection.
Tracing various phases from teenage to adulthood, Saiee Manjrekar's character depicts a character arc spanning over the years along with Sandeep Unnikrishnan, and will be seen in multiple looks throughout the film. The poster also announces that Major teaser will be dropped on 12th of this month.
Sashi Kiran Tikka is bankrolling the film that also stars Manjrekar, Sobhita Dhulipala and Prakash Raj in important roles. Produced by Sony Pictures Films India in association with Mahesh Babu's GMB Entertainment and A+S movies, Major will release on July 2nd.