KV Anudeep’s Jathi Ratnalu is roaring at the box-office. Starring Naveen Polishetty, Priyadarshi, Rahul Ramakrishna the rib-tickling comedy has ticked all the boxes well at the box-office. While Jathi Ratnalu team is on cloud nine with the success, here comes a pleasant surprise for them from RRR.
RRR team came up with an illustration which showcased Ram Charan, Jr NTR and Rajamouli clad in prisoner getup resembling the Jathi Rathnalu poster. Sharing the cool poster, the caption reads, “A sweet surprise from our #JathiRatnalu team to our Rathnalu. Best wishes to the entire team”.
Not only at domestic but Jathi Ratnalu is doing exceptionally well at overseas market too. Having relased on March 11 and having extended weekend it seems to be added bonus for the team as the word-of-mouth has tunred into favour of the team.
Jathi Ratnalu made on a shoestring budget of Rs4 croroes is churning out good moolah at the box-office. Director KV Anudeep has now become the hot topic for the producers.