Prashanth Neel has ended the suspense by finally announcing the release date of pan-Indian film, KGF 2. Starring Yash, the sequel KGF: Chapter 2 will have theatrical release on July 16, 2021.
The production house Hombale Films sharing an intense picture of Yash tweeted, “#KGFChapter2 Worldwide Theatrical Release On July 16th, 2021. #KGFChapter2onJuly16.” The second installment sees Sanjay Dutt and Raveen Tandon in the intense drama.
Speaking about his role as Adheera, Sanjay Dutt said, “The character of Adheera in KGF is very powerful. If you have seen Avengers, you know how powerful Thanos is. Adheera is as powerful as him. In KGF’s first chapter, Adheera comes only in the end, but in the second chapter, he has a very strong presence and getup. This is the character I was looking for, and it has come to me".
The first part was the first Kanndan film that crossed Rs 250 crore worldwide, thus high expectations are in the sequel. It is worth mentioning that, the pre-release business of KGF2 went on to astonish money as big production houses who paid meager amount for the first part had to shell out whopping amount to acquire the digital rights for the sequel considering the film turnig out to be virtual money-minter.