Bhanu Athaiya, the ace costume designer and the first Indian to have won Oscar for Gandhi is no more. She passed away today in Mumbai while sleeping at home. Her last rites took place at the Chandanwadi crematorium in South Mumbai. From 1956 to 2004, she worked for plenty of Hindi films ranging from CID, Pyaasa in 1950s to Dr. Babasahb Ambedkar, Lagaan and Swades in 2000s.
One of the top costume designers Neeta Lulla said, An icon of our industry who is most respected and revered she has been the one to take film costumes on the global platform. Her costumes were meticulous and detailed and always inspired me. You will be missed.
Bhanu Athaiya made our film industry and our country proud. This is an irrecoverable loss and CJ is deeply saddened.