Bollywood film ‘Apartment’ is gathering a huge hype by the extra bit of spice publicity attached to it. The movie is set to release today. From the kick start of this film’s shoot around mid of last year, there have been various gossips causing discomfort between the leading ladies of the film Tanushree Dutta and Neetu Chandra. It is not a wonder if cat fights start making the headlines for movie, but there is something more attached to this movie.
‘I generally believe that these controversy angles have become passé. Whoever is playing up these kinds of rumors doesn’t realize that it is only ending up harming the film. I strongly believe that such stories are not coming from the production house but some outside camps. These controversies, actresses doing cat fights, lesbian angles come on, give me a break. What was this story around an apparent shower scene in the film? Please, there is none. These are just rumors floating for no reasons,’ said Tanushree Dutta on rumors about her lesbian acts with Neetu Chandra.