The much awaited event of Junior NTR’s engagement with Narne Lakshmi Pranathi which was scheduled on 1st of April was declared cancelled by a media news channel. As per their report, Narne Srinivas Rao has made all the arrangements for the grand event at his residence in Banjara Hills, Hyderabad.
Including the invitees list prepared and the call for their gracious presence has arrived, for unknown reasons the engagement is declared cancelled. Is it a total cancel or an indefinite postponement is yet to be known.
Chandrababu Naidu is also known to have made his arrangements for the event and he was of course the main person behind this marriage fixing. As per a media gossip long back, many of the general public who were waiting for the event may become real April fools if the news comes out official from either of the families.
Let us wait for further updates on this high profile marriage and engagement.