As expected, maverick director Ram Gopal Varma’s most controversial film Lakshmi’s NTR release has been postponed. As announced officially by the filmmaker himself, Lakshmi’s NTR will now hit the screens on 29th of this month, which means the release is pushed by a week from its scheduled date of 22nd.
“Get Ready to know all the truths on March 29 th #LakshmisNTR,” tweeted RGV who also posted release poster of the film. However, the film is yet to complete its censor formalities. Lakshmi’s NTR will have screening for censor officials tomorrow.
RGV who delivered uncountable flops in recent times is upbeat about Lakshmi's NTR, which chronicles the life of iconic actor-politician NT Rama Rao after the entry of Lakshmi Parvathi, his second wife.
After the debacle of Balakrishna’s 2 part series of NTR Biopic- NTR Kathanayakudu and NTR Mahanayakudu, a lot is expected from RGV's Lakshmi's NTR, which is already creating ripples on social media.
Recently, Viceroy Hotel scene was leaked online. In the scene, NTR, along with Lakshmi Parvathi is seen appealing to the MLAs to leave Chandrababu Naidu and join him.