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Popular Actor Regrets Doing That Film

Rahul Ramakrishna Apologies For Doing Mithai

Rahul Ramakrishna shot to fame with Vijay Devarakonda starred Arjun Reddy and later starred in several hit films such as Bharat Ane Nenu, Sammohanam, Geetha Govindam. When his career is in full swing, Rahul did a grave mistake by accepting to do one of lead roles in a dark comedy film Mithai which released yesterday to unenthusiastic response. Critics call it as one of the worse films in recent times.

Apparently, Rahul Ramakrishna, who has become prime choice for comedy roles in star hero films feel regret for doing Mithai which also starred his close friend Priyadarshi. The actor even apologized to Telugu audience for disappointing them. Here are series of tweets posted by Rahul Ramakrishna:

We tried our best to repair the film but our efforts were in vain. I had predicted this outcome of the film and was reluctant to promote it. My apologies to everybody for yesterday’s experience at the theatres. I still have respect for the director’s ideas and wild imagination.

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If anything, this film has been a great learning experience that taught me two things: to trust my ability to judge a person’s skill set. Caving into the pressure of being worked will never bring good results.

Secondly and perhaps the most important: I’m deeply touched by the several hundred messages I’ve received from concerned well-wishers, wondering why and what went wrong with the film. This display of loyalty was one of the most powerful experiences of my life.

But here’s a promise: the next time you see me on screen, and you’ll see me paired with your dearest Priyadarshi again, I promise you, you will see us blaze the screen. We’ve done a fantastic job together and I say this with immense confidence.

I would also like to say that those who think writing/doing comedy is a menial job, look unto us. Making an audience laugh is the toughest thing to do in performing arts. I have said this before and I say this now, with renewed experience, making comedy is a daunting task.

Being called a “comedian”, however much I don’t associate with it, is actually a great, endearing title of honour for me. It is another matter that we ( me and a lot of talented actors ) are perceived that way because of a patronising gaze. Comedy is a very serious business.

I’m really happy that I work for an audience who have been brutally honest with our film. As a student of life, I believe this a great moment worth cherishing. Thank you all and may all of you recover well from your experiences. I bid you a good day..

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