Kangana Ranaut's magnum opus, Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi, made about Rs 100 crore at the domestic box office. However, the film needed more money to get that hit tag. Kangana and director Krish’s fight over credit of the success did not help the film to rake additional collections at BO.
Meanwhile, a leaked BTS clip during the shoot of Manikarnika is going viral in social media. The video is taken during the shoot of a battle scene in the film. The video starts with Kangana sitting on a horse getting ready for the attack.
As the camera moves further, we realize it is not a horse, but a moving machine made to look like a horse. As Kangana and her fake horse charges ahead, with other men on actual horses, her machine stops halfway but continues the galloping action. Of course, the video invoked a lot of funny reaction on Twitter.
Some opine that, the video was intentionally leaked online to damage Kangana Ranaut’s image. The actress was initially lauded for her daredevil stunts. But, those who leaked it want let everybody see what kind of efforts she had put in for the film.