Bollywood mega star Amitabh Bachchan and curly beauty Taapsee Pannu worked together for the second time for a crime thriller film Badla after the super hit Pink for which both won critical acclaims. Badla is directed by National Award winning maker Sujosh Ghosh of Kahaani fame.
Badla trailer is released today and seems like the film is remake of Spanish movie 2016 Spanish film The Invisible Guest. While in original version, lawyer role was played by a female and a murder accused was played by a male actor, Taapsee essayed a murder accused and Amitabh played an advocate in Hindi version.
Going by the trailer, Badla is going to be a nail biting thriller with lots of twists and turns throughout. With two super talented actors in leads, Badla is surely going to be a thrilling experience not just for thriller movie lovers but for normal movie buffs. The film is scheduled for release on March 8th.