Hot and voluptuous beauty Namitha’s name has been damaged to good extent by Tamil and Malayalam movie makers. It was not a pleasant journey for Namitha to act in the movie ‘Black Stallion’ in Malayalam although she is known to have received a remuneration of Rs. 25 lakhs for her spicy skin show with a small time character in the movie. Next to follow this role was in Tamil sex movie ‘Azhagana Ponnuthan’ where in Namitha again seduces a teenager boy to bed with all her oomph out.
None knows exactly what good will these movies do for Namitha’s career but already the erotic movie lovers in Tamil and Malaylam started to tag her name with rising Shakeela. They even say that, during the early days of Shakeela’s career in the industry she started with these kinds of movies and raised to the range of shaking the boxes of Mallu super stars like Mohanlal, Mammootty and Suresh Gopi.
Well, if Shakeela is a history for them Namitha is the budding fantasy dream who still has miles to go if Shake baby’s life style is followed.