As we reported earlier, Natural Star Nani will be teaming up with creative director Vikram Kumar for his 24th film. Vikram was actually supposed to work with stylish star Allu Arjun. But, the project was shelved owing to unknown reasons. Bunny shifted to Trivikram Srinivas and Vikram too altered his plans.
Nani and Vikram Kumar’s film will be bankrolled under Mythri Movie Makers. They announced to commence regular shoot of the untitled film from February 19th. In an announcement picture, Nani and Vikram can be seen sitting on a wall discussing the script.
This will be first film for both Nani and Vikram Kumar under Mythri Movie Makers. We hear that, the producers are taking extreme take in terms of script and budget after facing two big disasters in a gap of a month.
Vikram Kumar is said to have prepared a beautiful love story with an interesting plot. Nani is happy to come back to his comfort zone. More details of the film will be unveiled soon.