Naga Shaurya has turned Bruhannala for his upcoming film At Nartanasala. Apparently, Shaurya has targeted to impress females with this flick. While first song of the film Egireney Manasu showed romance between lead pair, the second song teaches self-defense techniques to women.
In second single of At Nartanasala- Dekhore Sodara which is strictly for females, Naga Shaurya trains womenfolk to make them as strong as men. Lyrics penned by Srimani specify Naga Shaurya’s his nepotism for ladies. The song composed by Mahati Swara Sagar is catchy and rendition by Anurag Kulkarni is just perfect.
Like the first song, this song too is an instant hit. Directed by debutante Srinivas Chakravarthi under Ira Creations, At Nartanasala is slated for release on August 30th.