Mega family is promoting Chiranjeevi's son in law Kalyan Dhev's recently released Vijetha in a never seen before manner. The film got average response from all quarters despite Tollywood Jakkana Rajamouli boosted the makers ahead of the film release praising Kalyan Dhev and the director Rakesh Shashi for the touching story.
Chiranjeevi watched the film's special screening along with Kalyan Dhev, Murali Sharma and Rakesh Shashi and congratulated them for the terrific performances. Now Mega Power Star Ram Charan too showered praises on his brother in law Kalyan Dhev's performance.
Charan posted "A good debut by @kalyaandhev. Great performances from Murali Sharma and Bharani Garu. Lovley visuals by Senthil.. congrats to Malvika NAIR, Rakesh shashi, Sai korrapati Garu and the whole team of #vijetha for a good family entertainer!!"
The question is will these praises power Vijetha to victory at the box office.