Super Star Mahesh Babu is super thrilled with the sensation his film Bharat Ane Nenu directed by Koratala Shiva is creating across the world by breaking all the box office records.
The film unit celebrated the success of the film with a Thank You meet in Hyderabad. Everyone thanked the movie lovers for the love and affection showered on the film.
Mahesh Babu speaking at the function said that during the last two years he disappointed his fans by failing to live up to their expectations. He said he is happy at Bharat Ane Nenu's success under trying circumstances. He said, "I will keep this film in my personal library and show it to my children and to their children."
Bharat Ane Nenu Success Celebrations will be held in Tirupati on this coming Friday. The event named "Bharat Ane Nenu Abhimana Bahiranga Sabha" will be celebrated in Nehru Municipal High School Grounds at Alipiri Road.